The Bulldog puppy is playful and ready for fun, according to Bulldog information about the breed. The sensitive Bulldog must be responded to in a loving way so that you can reap the rewards of the Bulldog's wonderful personality. The Bulldog puppy must be trained to socialize with other animal members of the household because an untrained Bulldog may not accept other animals in its home if not. A Bulldog may never accept strange dogs or other animals on its property.
The Bulldog puppy may be difficult to train, especially if you try to force the young animal by pulling it or jerking it around. It is in its nature to stand its ground. You do not want to test wills with your puppy in this way. Kindness, food treats and consistency will work well with the Bulldog puppy. The Bulldog may grow to be very possessive of its food. This is a trait with which you may have to learn to accept.
According to Bulldog information, the Bulldog is happiest at your side as a companion dog. The Bulldog is content when it is part of a household and treated as a family member. As a companion, the Bulldog is devoted to its family and can be taught to accept other pets in the house. Some Bulldogs will not accept stranger dogs or other strange animals. A Bulldog will be friendly to its master's friends and family and may even make the first friendly overture with some people.
The Bulldog is prized for its wonderful character, which can produce different personality types. Some Bulldogs are shy and others are more openly social. Many Bulldogs have a sweet and comical nature that makes this dog extremely lovable.
Although some Bulldogs may be more active than others, most Bulldogs like to spend much time sleeping. You will need to take this dog for walks although in warmer weather, this dog will prefer to rest in a cooled room.
Bulldog information informs us that the Bulldog can be a very expensive breed to buy. The price of Bulldog puppy that comes from an excellent line will cost the purchaser a price of at least a few thousand dollars. The expenses do not stop there. The build and structure of the Bulldog's body and face can give the dog serious health problems. This is not the case for all Bulldogs. Regular checkups will help to keep a Bulldog in good condition. A Bulldog's health may be affected by respiratory problems and sensitivity to heat. A Bulldog must be kept in an air-conditioned room when temperatures are kept mildly cool. Caesarian section is used frequently as a safe way of delivering Bulldog puppies.
Bulldogs will drool frequently and eat messily which means that regular care must be taken to clean the folds of the dog's face. In this way, you can prevent the eye irritations, eye and skin infections that the dog is prone to experiencing. Do not use a detergent based shampoo on this dog's sensitive skin and instead, wipe the dog with a moist, soft cloth for cleaning the dog's coat. The Bulldog, with the right care, will thrive and be a wonderful addition to any household.
The Bulldog is a wonderful companion dog that is loyal and loving to family and friends. You can learn about general Bulldog information in this article.
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