Sunday, April 13, 2008

Where To Find Bulldog Breeders

The Bulldog is one of the most popular and widely loved breeds of dog in the world. There are a few characteristics in particular which explain why the Bulldog is such a favored breed, but more than anything this relates to their appearance and personality. The coat of the Bulldog is close and glossy and it is of fine texture. This is favorable because there is no feathering or curl to have to deal with. There is also a lot less shedding because they have such a close cut and thin coat.

Caring for the Bulldog is also relatively easy, and they do not have many concerning problems in regards to their health or wellbeing. You can typically feed them any standard dog food any they will be provided with the necessary nutrition, however you will want to make sure that one of the first ingredients listed on the label is a meat product such as chicken or beef and not a meat byproduct like chicken bones or feet.
The appearance of the Bulldog is not the only favorable quality however, as their personality is respectable as well. They are loyal and incredibly affectionate, always sure to meet you at the door when you come home. They are even known to get along with other pets well, especially if they were raised with them. They thrive on human attention and love to get outdoors and be active but they are not overly hyper or excitable.

The Bulldog is a great watchdog and has fantastic guarding abilities but they will only bark when necessary. This is another favorable characteristic because you will not have to worry about being kept up all night or dealing with incessant barking throughout the day as you would with other breeds, particularly smaller more yippy dogs. As long as you are sure to give them the love and attention that they crave they will be a very well behaved pet and definitely one worth considering if you are interested in getting a dog.
The bottom line is that if you are looking to get a dog that does not require a lot of time spent on grooming, training and activity, then the Bulldog is a great option. If you are interested in getting a Bulldog then you will want to find reputable Bulldog breeders or adopt a Bulldog from a Bulldog rescue center. The choice is up to you but of course if you are looking to get a purebred dog then your best bet is going to be to find a breeder.

Find a breeder that focuses solely on Bulldogs because they will be the most knowledgeable and educated on the breed, and you also want to make sure that they have all the right credentials and paperwork. Remember that any good breeder is going to be more than willing and able to provide you with the information you are looking for, so never feel as though you are overstepping your bounds or crossing the line.

Of all the breeds of dog in the world the Bulldog definitely has one of the happiest and even-tempered personalities. By finding out as much Bulldog information as you can before deciding to go with the breed, you will be reassuring yourself on what a good decision you are making.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's nice !

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Bulldog Information